“Urban Tech For Hope is committed to achieving gender equality and empowering vulnerable populations, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 5. We leverage mobile technologies to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV), an issue highlighted in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Vulnerable Population’s recommendation no. 35.

Our focus aligns with UNHCR’s identification of six core forms of GBV: Physical, Sexual, Psychological/Emotional, Economic, and Cultural. We recognize that social factors linked to health often intersect with legal needs, particularly in areas like income security, insurance, housing, employment, and legal status.

Vulnerable individuals, those not well-integrated into the healthcare system due to various factors, often face challenges in accessing affordable, timely legal services. Traditional legal services tend to be overwhelmed with acute problems, leaving systemic and preventive legal needs unaddressed.

To bridge this gap, we initiate informal screenings for legal needs, conducted by healthcare professionals like family physicians, social workers, and nurses. This helps identify remediable legal issues related to patients’ medical concerns. Our referral system, integrated into electronic medical records, ensures a seamless connection between healthcare and legal services.

We understand that many patients encounter barriers to attending traditional appointments, so we offer both referral-based and drop-in legal services. Each patient’s unique needs and preferences dictate the type of direct legal support they receive through our m-kliniki app and AI chatbot. We tailor our services to ensure accessible, effective, and personalized legal assistance.”

Clinician consultation Legal information to family health team clinician on a particular legal issue, including discussion of referral appropriateness
Legal information Provision of relevant legal information including laws, regulations, rules, or policies about a client’s legal problem
Referral Provision of legal information and contact information to the most appropriate legal professional, clinic, or NGO based on the client’s legal needs
Assisted referral Referral including provision of legal information, documentation, and limited analysis of client’s legal issue
Legal advice Issue-specific information and contextual interpretation of the law with specific recommendations based on client goals; restricted to lawyers and other designated professionals
Advocacy, brief-drafting service, or retainer Includes limited and full legal representation, drafting of documents and letters, negotiating on the client’s behalf, and appearance in court